Chief Ralph Terrazas
Los Angeles Fire Department
Dr. Erroll Southers
Director USC’s Safe Communities Institute
Chief Mark Rohlfing
Milwaukee Fire Department
Deisy Gonzalez
Department on Disability, City of Los Angeles
Bob Blumenfield
Councilmember 3rd District, City of Los Angeles
On behalf of the Southwest Division of the Los Angeles Police Department, we would like to thank The Hero In You Foundation’s Rocket Rules safety program for all their contributions to help LAPD carry out our mission to protect, serve and educate, for a safer Los Angeles.
Captain Alex Baez, Commanding Officer Southwest Patrol Division, LAPD
“With more people moving into hurricane vulnerable areas, it is imperative that families have hurricane preparedness plans in place. As National Weather Service Weather Ready Ambassadors, Rocket’s Hurricane Safety Activity Book provides information and a safety checklist on how children and their families can be weather ready before, during, and after a storm.”
Daniel Brown, Senior Hurricane Specialist - NOAA/NWS/National Hurricane Center
“Rocket’s Rules for Safety provides an excellent foundation for youth first learning about emergencies and how to keep themselves safe. It’s important that families start these conversations early, and this program provides a fun and memorable way to introduce emergency preparedness to our nation’s most vulnerable.”
James Lee Witt, Former Director of FEMA and National Safety Expert
“The Rocket Rules approach is impeccably informed and wildly effective at exciting children about the important topic of preparedness. This timely program honors the work of our nation’s first responders by sparking children’s imaginations to follow in their footsteps. My hats off for a job well done, but far from over.”
Dennis S. Mileti, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, University of Colorado Boulder
“Rocket Rules is an exceptional tool to prepare our children, the leaders of tomorrow, about Emergency Preparedness. It is a fascinating experience to personally watch the children listen to Rocket and react to the conversation. The printed material conveys the same message in a fun and informative manner. Thanks Rocket for your contribution.”
Ted Weill, Council member, Rancho Mirage